Does Oil Pulling Work?

Learn about the benefits and potential downfalls of this ancient Ayurvedic practice.

Oil pulling draws toxins from the body. Advocates suggest that bacteria and toxins migrate to the mouth and oil pulling helps remove them.

What Is Oil Pulling?

What Are the Benefits of Oil Pulling?

Those who practice regular oil pulling may experience these benefits. -Increased Energy  -Reduced Acne -Alleviated Bad Breath  -Improved Digestion -Whiten Teeth

What Are the Risks of Oil Pulling?

While oil pulling is effective for teeth cleaning, neglecting regular brushing and flossing may result in cavities.

Ingesting the oil during oil pulling, though unlikely, can lead to lipoid pneumonia if it reaches the lungs. Take care to avoid accidental ingestion during the process.

More Risks of Oil Pulling

There is no scientific evidence to backup the claims that oil pulling can detox your body. However, it has been proven to be a good alternative to mouthwash.

Can Oil Pulling Detox Your Body?

1. Coconut oil 2. Sesame oil 3. Sunflower oil 4. Olive oil 5. Avocado oil 6. Grapeseed oil 7. Palm Oil

What Oils Are Best for Oil Pulling?

The process involves holding and swishing oil in the mouth for a about 15-20 minutes. Spit oils out and repeat this practice regularly for best results.

How Do You Practice Oil Pulling?

For more information on oil pulling, head over to the site to read the full article.

Learn more about the benefits and potential downfalls of oil pulling.