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How to Clean a Toilet the Right Way

This post is sponsored by Clorox®, but the content and opinions expressed here are my own.

When it comes to keeping my house clean, I don’t mess around.

I like everything to be neat and tidy but most of all sanitary.

When thinking about germs, bacteria, and rooms in your home that need to be disinfected, the bathroom comes to mind immediately.

More specifically the toilet.

Clean a Toilet the right way, the first time!

The first step in cleaning a toilet the right way is to make sure you have the right tools for the job.

It couldn’t hurt to put on a pair of gloves before starting this job although this is your house and you can decide if this is necessary for you or not.

I don’t usually wear gloves for this job, to be honest, I never really thought about wearing them when cleaning my own home but after posting this, I received a few comments from those who urged me to add that in, so I did. 

So, use your own discretion, if your toilet is a hazard to your health and you find yourself unable to touch your face while cleaning and before washing your hands, wear gloves! 

There are many methods that you can use to clean your toilet but some are much easier than others.

I like to waste the least amount of cleaning products when cleaning my toilet so I make sure to use the right tools for the job. 

It’s always a good idea to have a toilet scrubber for the inside cleaning, they are perfect for the hard to reach areas and tough stains.

The rest of the toilet can be cleaned the right way when using Clorox® Disinfecting Wipes with Ultra Strength Blue Fibers.

You could use a spray bottle with your preferred disinfectant but this would require using paper towels or even toilet paper to wipe up the cleaner. 

You could also use a reusable cloth but when it comes to the toilet, I like to throw away anything that gets into those dirty areas. 

This is why I really like using Clorox wipes, they come with their own strong cleaner and are disposable. 

Plus, the new blue fibers really help remove hard, caked-on dirt that would otherwise be left behind. 

When cleaning your entire toilet, it may be best to spray a toilet cleaner inside of the bowl and let it sit while cleaning the inside. 

Let the solution work while cleaning the outside, then go back with the toilet wand to scrub out any excess before flushing it all away. 

You can buy the New Clorox® Disinfecting Wipes with Ultra Strength Blue Fibers at Walmart, in the cleaning aisle.

I have always been a fan of Clorox Wipes because of their ability to kill viruses and bacteria but these new wipes take the cleaning power to a whole new level! 

Now the new Ultra Strength Wipes are my new go-to when I want to make sure I get the job done right the first time.

Clean a Toilet the right way, the first time!

I don’t usually judge the cleanliness of someone else’s home but when it comes to their bathroom, I can’t help but analyze the cleanliness because the last thing I want to do is sit on a mountain of bacteria.

I remember touring homes in the area when looking to buy a new house and it seemed like most of the toilets had a dirty build-up in hard to reach but easy to see areas.

I decided right then and there that I would never neglect the cleaning of my toilet and I have learned some tricks to clean a toilet the right way.

Do not underestimate the importance of cleaning the handle, this area can collect germs and is often overlooked when cleaning the toilet.

I like to use a saturated wipe and allow the drippings to sit on the handle for a few moments before wiping away. 

This method seems to be best when trying to sanitize your toilet because it allows the solution to work on any leftover bacteria or germs that may be lurking. 

The base of a toilet is full of curves and bends that seem to be a magnet for dirt in all of the hard to reach places.

Using disinfecting wipes to cover every nook and cranny is a good way to make sure you don’t miss any germs that may be hiding.

Cleaning underneath, behind, inside, and on the surface is essential when trying to eliminate germs and bacteria.

If there is a lot of dust or buildup on the outside of the toilet you may want to wipe down the area with a dry paper towel before using the wet cleaning wipes. 

Once you add the liquid, dust can stick to the toilet and to the wipes leaving behind a trail of dirt that can be hard to remove once wet. 

Removing the excess allows you to use your Clorox wipes for their cleaning power and prevents wasted wipes used for removing dust buildup. 

Using Clorox® Disinfecting Wipes with Ultra Strength Blue Fibers will help ensure that you are cleaning your toilet the right way, every time.

If you have a lot of buildup inside of the toilet, pouring bleach inside or making a mixture with baking soda and bleach can help you to tackle this problem easily. 

The baking soda helps the bleach stick to the sides of the toilet.

This is especially effective on hard water stains that are often found inside of the rim.

Once the stains are removed and the outside is clean, use one more wipe to sanitize the entire surface.

This is where the Clorox wipes really shine.

I trust this product to sanitize all of the surfaces in my home, including the toilet. 

I hope this post has helped you to clean your toilet the right way.

If this post has helped you, please leave me a comment below letting me know about your experiences with this product and share on your favorite social media as well. 


About Thirty Something Super Mom

Melissa Dixon Thirty Something Super Mom
Thirty Something Super Mom | Website

My journey started after a Crohn's disease diagnosis, inspiring a commitment to well-being. This site shares my distinctive approach to healthy living with my collection of nutritious recipes that boast authentic flavors, mimicking the indulgence of traditional dishes. I love sharing guilt free recipes for low carb, keto, gluten-free, paleo, and the specific carbohydrate diet. I also share tips on natural living, including homemade cleaners and cleaning hacks. I also share my experience as a veterinary technician and pet groomer, to integrate pet health tips, homemade dog food recipes, and grooming insights to ensure your pets thrive.


Friday 29th of June 2018

since I retired from senior healthcare, I pick up part time hours doing housekeeping in a nursing home.. I also clean every surface mentioned here as well as hand mopping the floor around, behind and in front of the toilet with the same cloth I used to wipe down the rest of the toilet, saving this step for last. these toilets get cleaned daily, which is a dire necessity as you can imagine. The whole process is automatic to me and goes very fast. Also check zround the outside of the bowl for dripping if someone misses the inside of the bowl. some men commonly miss their aim. If you don't take notice of this, eventully it will smell. Hand mopping the floor around the toilet will also keep those smells at bay

Yvonne Leonard

Tuesday 19th of June 2018

If you want to sanitize your toilet without using costly disposable products, try Norwex cleaning cloths. Truly amazing product that cleans with just water by having silver embedded in the microfiber. Eliminate chemicals from your cleaning routine

Kimberly Conner

Friday 29th of June 2018

I clean with Microfiber towels


Wednesday 20th of June 2018

I have heard about Norwex cleaning cloths and they sound interesting but I love Clorox because I know it is killing the bacteria and germs. IF my dog poops on the floor I will never feel like it is sanitary again until I have Clorox wiped it. These things are amazing for gross jobs. I may look into the Norwex wipes for polishing my faucets and jobs like that. Thanks for stopping by and commenting.