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Gummy Vitamins Vs Pills

There are many dietary supplements on the market so it can be difficult to know which vitamin supplements are best when choosing gummy vitamins vs pills.

This post breaks down the active ingredients and health benefits of traditional vitamins as well as gummy supplements to help you make the right choice in the supplement aisle.

Gummy Multivitamins VS Pill Multivitamins

In recent years gummy vitamins have become a popular choice for those wanting to get essential nutrients in a supplement form. Parents love the ease of giving their kids vitamins this way and those suffering from pill fatigue may opt for a gummy as well.

Gummy Vitamins Vs Pills – Sugar Content

When vitamins come in the gummy form they usually contain added sugar. While there are a few brands on the market that use sugar substitutes and artificial sweeteners, most contain at least a few grams of sugar.

Some gummy vitamin brands contain up to 8 grams per serving. You will usually see the nutrition value listed on the box, sometimes listing sweeteners such as glucose, corn syrup, and sucrose.

The American Heart Association recommends no more than 25 grams of sugar per day for children and women, and for men no more than 36 grams of sugar per day.

Some gummies have a recommended dosage of 2 pills per day which leaves little room for the sugar content in whole foods that are an essential part of your diet.

Gummy candies are marketed as a great option for kids because of their sweet taste. Ingredients like high fructose corn syrup, a sweetener made from corn starch, and white sugar which is derived from the sugar cane and sugar beet plants, can lead to tooth decay.

Traditional Pills usually contain little to no sugar which makes this the best choice for those who have dietary restrictions such as diabetes or anyone wanting to reduce their sugar intake.

A great way to not have to worry about your child’s sugar intake is to switch to Kid’s Clean Melts.

Gummy Vitamins Vs Pills – Ingredients

Much like gummy candy, these vitamin gummies come in a variety of flavors and colors. Gummy vitamins use artificial colors such as food colorings, citric acid, and food dyes as well as a variety of shapes to appeal to the consumer.

This is especially effective when purchasing vitamins for young children who are picky eaters. This has led to speculation that the added artificial ingredients may not leave enough room for the amount of vitamin advertised and the added ingredients could potentially cause other issues.

Some of the fillers could cause issues with the digestive tract or cause digestive issues for those with gluten intolerance.

Shelf Life of Gummy Vitamins Vs Pills

Gummy vitamins usually have a shorter shelf life than traditional vitamins, even with all of the added ingredients. While there are many types of supplements, giving your kids Superior Source Vitamins is a great choice to make.

Pick up the Kids Clean Melts that are only available on Amazon or see the whole line available at Walmart.

What Are the Dangers of Gummy Vitamins?

Parents may have a hard time limiting their children’s intake since these sweet treats not only contain essential vitamins but taste great. Most of us probably remember those Flinstone chewable tablets that were so popular in the 90s and many of us probably remember taking extra because they tasted so great.

Unfortunately, this could lead to vitamin toxicity so the best way to prevent this is to keep all of the vitamins out of the reach of children. Gummy and chewable vitamins are more of a concern for abuse because they contain a lot of sugar and are more likely to be taken in excess.

Can You Take Too Many Vitamins?

While vitamins contain essential nutrients, taking too many at once, especially fat-soluble vitamins such as Vitamins A, Vitamin D, Vitamin E, and Vitamin K can lead to a variety of medical conditions in otherwise healthy adults. Some of the symptoms include disturbances in the digestive system which can lead to nausea and vomiting.

A great way to avoid this is to speak with a doctor about what you need from a daily multivitamin. Check the nutritional value of all of your vitamin tablets, liquid vitamins, gummy vitamins, and liquid supplements that are part of your daily routine.

Eating a healthy diet is always a good option for your overall health no matter which supplement form you choose. Bottom line is that it is always a good thing to check with your doctor before adding a new line of gummy or pill vitamins into your routine.

Gummy Vitamins Vs Pills Vitamins Which is Better for Optimal Health?

According to the mayo clinic those who don’t eat a balanced diet, those with a vitamin deficiency, and pregnant women can benefit from taking nutritional supplements. Prenatal vitamins contain important nutrients such as calcium, folic acid, and iron which makes them a better option than relying on food alone.

According to the Cleveland Clinic, the general population is deficient in vitamin d. This can lead to many health conditions including increasing your risk of heart disease. The good news is that this is an easy fix since it is widely available in vitamin pills, liquid form, or vitamin d gummies.

Be sure to check out this post providing information on when is the best time to take vitamins and supplements.

About Thirty Something Super Mom

Melissa Dixon Thirty Something Super Mom
Thirty Something Super Mom | Website |  + posts

My journey started after a Crohn's disease diagnosis, inspiring a commitment to well-being. This site shares my distinctive approach to healthy living with my collection of nutritious recipes that boast authentic flavors, mimicking the indulgence of traditional dishes. I love sharing guilt free recipes for low carb, keto, gluten-free, paleo, and the specific carbohydrate diet. I also share tips on natural living, including homemade cleaners and cleaning hacks. I also share my experience as a veterinary technician and pet groomer, to integrate pet health tips, homemade dog food recipes, and grooming insights to ensure your pets thrive.

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Jasmine Martin

Friday 17th of February 2023

These seem like great options. I know I am a gummy vitamin person because I can't really swallow pills without breaking them into tiny pieces.


Friday 17th of February 2023

I'm totally guilty of switching over to gummy vitamins in recent years myself though I hate consuming more sugar. Some pills are hard to swallow esp multi because they seem to be larger than individual supplements. Thanks for sharing all this info!

Nisha Jha

Friday 17th of February 2023

Gummy vitamins are available in this part of the world too and I love the flavors! You are right, it's difficult to restrict children from having just the required. :)


Friday 17th of February 2023

Most if not all of the vitamins I take are in pill form, I remember reading that they're better than Gummy vitamins but I am not sure, I might be mistaken.


Thursday 16th of February 2023

I love gummy vitamins because they come in many flavors and colors. But thank you for the detailed guide here.