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When Is the Best Time to Take Vitamins and Supplements?

This post sharing when is the best time to take vitamins and supplements is a sponsored post brought to you through a partnership with Superior Source Vitamins although all opinions are my own.

There are 13 essential vitamins that our bodies require to properly function and even with a balanced diet of whole foods many of us are deficient in specific vitamins.

It is recommended that you check with your healthcare provider to get guidance on essential vitamins and to rule out any medical conditions.

best time to take vitamins and supplements

When Is the Best Time to Take Vitamins & Supplements?

There are many factors to consider when trying to find out when is the best time to take vitamins for maximum absorption.

Some products are pretty self-explanatory. If you are taking a product for sleep, this is usually best done at night time, right before you go to sleep.

While that is pretty simple to figure out on your own, you may still be struggling with what is the best time to take vitamins and supplements.

Many nutrients are best absorbed when taken with food because our digestive system is stimulated during the eating process.

This is a great time to add in your vitamins and supplements because your body is already actively absorbing the nutrients taken during this time.

This can also depend on the quality and type of vitamin you are taking. Some vitamin tablets are difficult to absorb and can cause stomach upset which is why I love Superior Source Vitamins.

I don’t have to worry about my body’s ability to absorb them because they dissolve in seconds and are quickly absorbed into the body.

This is the best way to take a daily supplement in my opinion.


They are MicroLingual®–“Under the Tongue Technology” that works fast, dissolving in seconds–NO pills to swallow or water needed, as they are quickly absorbed into the body!

By swallowing dietary supplements, as much as 50% of the potency is lost in the high-acid environment of the stomach. Only clean ingredients–just the way nature intended!

*These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

Store list of superior source vitamins

Fat-Soluable Vitamins

Another factor to consider when trying to find out when is the best time to take vitamins is whether they are fat-soluble or water-soluble vitamins.

A couple of examples of common fat-soluble vitamins are Vitamin D and Vitamin K which means that these vitamins are best absorbed in the presence of fat.

That doesn’t necessarily mean that you have to ingest a meal in order to reap the benefits. These vitamins can be taken on an empty stomach but in order to absorb them properly they are best absorbed in the presence of fat.

When Is the best time to take vitamins & supplements that are fat soluble?

The time of day can play an important role but the most important thing to consider when taking fat soluble vitamins is to take them with a fat-containing meal.

The four fat-soluble vitamins that are essential to our overall health are vitamins A, D, E, and K.

Water-Soluble Vitamins

Water-soluble means that these vitamins are not stored in your body. When you take any of these water-soluble vitamins in excess, your body will eliminate them through urination.

You may notice bright-colored urine, almost neon color, this is usually vitamin B2.

If your daily multivitamin contains folic acid and you take a folic acid supplement this may exceed the daily dose. Since these large doses are not needed by the body, it removes them.

When Is the best time to take vitamins & supplements that are water soluble?

This means that it is important to take these supplements daily to ensure that your body doesn’t become deficient (except for Vitamin B which can be stored in the liver for years.)

There are nine essential water-soluble vitamins, they are vitamin C and all of the many B vitamins.

best time to take vitamins and supplements

When Is the Best Time of Day to Take Supplements?

When taking calcium supplements, it is best to take them at night rather than before a meal.

Calcium will dilute the stomach acid so it is best to avoid taking it right before a meal and better to be taken right before bed.

When taking chelators it is best to take them on an empty stomach or at least an hour before a meal.

If you are taking mineral supplements like iron supplements, it is best to spread these two out.

Do not take them together, give your body some time to allow the chelator to work before adding more minerals in.

When Should I Take a Multi-Vitamin?

Multivitamin supplements are best taken with the largest meal of the day.

Some experts claim that taking them earlier in the day is best because this vitamin can cause a stimulation effect and taking them too close to bedtime can interfere with your sleep.

While taking them during the day may lead to positive side effects such as a welcome energy boost.

Will Taking Vitamins Break Ketosis?

Usually taking vitamins will not break ketosis although if you are taking the wrong kind of vitamins the answer would then be yes, taking vitamins can bring you out of ketosis.

If you adhere to a strict keto diet, be sure you are taking keto supplements.

There are plenty of vitamins on the market that contain sugar and carbs, along with a handful of other ingredients that you may not expect to find in a “health supplement” which is why it is extremely important to read all nutrition labels, especially on your dietary supplements.

Many chewable or gummy vitamins contain added sugar and a variety of other ingredients that will break ketosis. So my recommendation would be to pick up Superior Source Melts.

They have NO sugar added; only sweetened with a little stevia. This is preferable to most “chewable” vitamin C products that typically are loaded with lots of sugar.

fat soluble and water soluble

Will Taking Vitamins Break a Fast?

No! You can take fat-soluble vitamins with a cup of bulletproof coffee which contains enough fat to help your body absorb the vitamins while not breaking your fast.

*Clean, pure and simple — the way nature intended! Superior Source truly is the best source of vitamins.

Vitamin D Extra Strength Vitamin D3–10,000 IU vitamin D supplement works in conjunction with calcium to promote the development and maintenance of strong bones and teeth. Superior Source Vitamin D products are D3, the finest source of Vitamin D available.

Zinc Plus – Zinc Plus is an immune support lozenge. Zinc is an essential mineral required by more than 300 enzymes for the support of multiple systems and functions in the human body. In addition, studies have indicated that zinc promotes recovery from the common cold and related symptoms.

Superior Source Zinc Lozenjets are formulated with vitamin C, D3, and Elderberry as added protection for your health.

*Sleep & Immune – Sleep & Immune is formulated for better sleep and for cold and flu protection. Zinc promotes recovery from the common cold and related symptoms. Vitamin D3, C, and elderberry are added for enhanced immune system support and Melatonin for a restful night’s sleep.

*Vitamin C –CherryMelts– Vitamin C is an essential nutrient that cannot be produced by the body, therefore, it must be replenished daily. Vitamin C helps develop and maintain healthy skin and bones, to form collagen, and also enhances the body’s absorption of iron from plant-based foods we eat.

Vitamin C also provides support to the body’s immune system. It is a water-soluble vitamin which means that you can take it anytime, even without the presence of food.

Vitamin K2 / MK7 with Vitamin D – Since vitamin K2 is better digested with food or fat, taking it with a cup of bulletproof coffee or a meal is best. Keep in mind that if you are taking Vitamin K2 to reduce calcium in your body for things such as kidney stones or calcium in your arteries, it is best to avoid dairy to allow the vitamin to remove the buildup already there.

AdvancedZinc- Zinc is an essential mineral required by more than 300 enzymes for the support of multiple systems and functions in the human body. In addition, studies have indicated that zinc promotes recovery from the common cold and related symptoms. Superior Source Zinc tablets are formulated with vitamin D3 as added protection for your health.

Zinc can cause a bit of irritation in the gut lining as well as interfere with the absorption of other minerals so it is best to take ten to fifteen minutes after a meal.

best time to take vitamins and supplements

Why Choose Superior Source Vitamins?

Superior Source vitamins have no chemicals, preservatives, binders, or artificial colors. They dissolve instantly in the mouth for better absorption with no glass of water needed.

They offer tiny tablets that are easy to take, so no more difficulties swallowing pills!

They are a trusted and established brand-making vitamins and supplements for over 40 years.

When is the Best Time of the Day to Take Vitamins and Supplements?

Fat-soluble vitamins are absorbed best if taken with fatty foods, while water-soluble vitamins are best absorbed when taken with water.

Fat-soluble vitamins do not require a whole meal, they just need to be taken with fat-containing foods, bulletproof coffee is a perfect example of healthy fats that will not break ketosis or a fast.

There are many health benefits to taking vitamins and supplements to pick up where food sources left off.

best time to take vitamins and supplements

I hope this post has helped you figure out the time of day best for optimal absorption to meet your body’s nutritional needs.               

These statements have not been evaluated by the Federal Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

It is recommended that vitamins be taken in conjunction with a healthy diet and to visit your healthcare provider for professional medical advice to rule out health conditions that could be causing issues with your body’s absorption.

Find out which type is best for you, Gummy Vitamins Vs Pills.

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About Thirty Something Super Mom

Melissa Dixon Thirty Something Super Mom
Thirty Something Super Mom | Website

My journey started after a Crohn's disease diagnosis, inspiring a commitment to well-being. This site shares my distinctive approach to healthy living with my collection of nutritious recipes that boast authentic flavors, mimicking the indulgence of traditional dishes. I love sharing guilt free recipes for low carb, keto, gluten-free, paleo, and the specific carbohydrate diet. I also share tips on natural living, including homemade cleaners and cleaning hacks. I also share my experience as a veterinary technician and pet groomer, to integrate pet health tips, homemade dog food recipes, and grooming insights to ensure your pets thrive.

Heather Swanson

Wednesday 28th of December 2022

Happy New Year's to all that posted

Lisa D

Wednesday 28th of December 2022

How many water solubles can I take per day. Is it unlimited?


Tuesday 3rd of January 2023

Some vitamins can cause harm if taken in excess, I would suggest consulting your doctor for more information on which would be best for you.


Wednesday 28th of December 2022

I'd like to try any B vitamins.


Tuesday 27th of December 2022

My dr said that I need more vitamin D, so I'd like to try it.

Cassandra G.

Tuesday 27th of December 2022

This was really helpful. You spend money on vitamins so you want to take them at the ideal times to make them most effective!